The Jesus Hour

The Jesus Hour

At the Garden of Gethsemani, Jesus said to His disciples; “My soul is crushed with horror and sadness to the point of death…stay awake with Me.”

After some time Jesus went back to His disciples and found them sleeping. “Couldn’t you even stay awake with Me one hour? Keep alert and pray. Otherwise, temptation will overpower you. For the spirit indeed is willing but the body is weak.” (Matthew 26:38, 40-41).

Jesus started his ministry with prayer and fasting for 40 days. He surely knew it was the key in doing the will of God in His life and for the world that He will save.

The same principle has been reiterated in our nation, that is, “God is giving the nation into the hands of the intercessors.”

In response to God’s call to the Body of Christ in Australia, “TO PRAY ALL MANNERS OF PRAYER”, we have set a target.


For every intercessor to pray at least an hour, daily.

Below is a suggested pattern you can use, a “prayer course or plan” to be able to pray at least an hour. 

It is important to have a plan and stick to it so that after you prayed you know that you have prayed effectively and powerfully, and you have fulfilled the purpose of your prayer time.

Praying According to the TABERNACLE PATTERN

The tabernacle in the wilderness has been built by the Israelites as shown by God to Moses so that they can worship God on their way to the Promised Land.

Now, the tabernacle is YOU! We are the temple of the Holy Spirit.

You can worship God within your heart! 

You can worship according to the set-up of that tabernacle in as much that they are foreshadows of spiritual things to come.


This is the place where the priest killed the sacrificial poured out the blood, and burned the flesh of the animals to the Lord.

This represents the cross of Calvary where Jesus Christ a sacrifice for us. All our worship must begin at the cross by worshipping Jesus, the Lamb of God, our Redeemer.

At this point, begin to praise, thank, adore and worship all His finished work.

A. Total forgiveness from all past sins.

Prayer: “Jesus, I thank You for Your unconditional love that You chose to die in my place. Thank You for forgiving and erasing all my past and making me a brand new person. Lord, thank You that Your blood is also for my family, relatives, friends, neighbours and the whole country.’

B. Jesus reconciled men to God, to have a deep fellows hip with Him again. God did not only create you, but also redeemed you when you were separated from Him.

Prayer: Jesus, I belong absolutely to You. I am Your two-fold possession: by creation and by redemption. The sovereign rights about me belong to You! I am Yours! Thus, wherever You go, I’ll go. Whatever You say, I’ll do. Help me to live a life of total submission and obedience to You.”

C. He took away all the curse (Genesis 3:16-19) that fell on Adam and Eve so that the blessings of Abraham might come upon the Gentiles. (Gen.28:1-14, Gen. 12:1-3; 15:1, 5, 18-21; 17:1-5)

Prayer: “Oh Lord Jesus, I’m delivered from the curse. I’m blessed with the blessings of Abraham. I am a blessed person. So whatever I do, l’m going to be blessed and because I am blessed, I will bring the blessings and the love of God to everyone that comes my way. I am a blessing to my family, to my community, to my job, and to my nation.”

D. Jesus suffered all shame on the cross, that He might take away all your shame and instead give you success, exaltation, abundance and happiness.

Prayer: “Jesus, thank You for giving me a new name. You have removed all my shame, my guilt, my negative childhood experiences, my past life. You have freed me from the chain of darkness. Now I am free.

I can rejoice! I can say, I am happy because I am, a beloved of the Lord.


E. Deliverance from the judgement of the law.

Prayer: “Jesus, You delivered me from the judgement of the law and the ten commandments, by fulfilling all of them when You walked on earth, and also by receiving the punishments of the law on the cross.

Now, I’m living in the time of grace. By faith in You, I’m saved. Thank You for Your blood.”

F. Healing took place at Calvary. Thus, healing is provided for every believer.

Prayer: “Lord Jesus, You took away all infirmities and sicknesses on the cross. By Your stripes we were healed. Thank You that none of these diseases should harass me. Thank You for divine healing.”

Note: You can enumerate all the sicknesses that you are praying for healing. (E.g. “Thank You for dying for tuberculosis, etc…)

G. By His blood, Satan was disarmed, the Devil became powerless and is now subjected to Jesus and the church.

Prayer: “Oh Jesus, I am free now from the domination of Satan. I am translated from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of light. I am more than a conqueror in Christ Jesus and no works of the enemy shall prosper in my life. Thank You that the gates of hell shall not prevail against me and the church. Thank You for Your victory! I am a victorious child of God!” (Note: You can recite Psalm 91)

H. Deliverance from death and hell

Prayer: “Jesus, You delivered me from death. You died in my place. You conquered hell. ‘m not afraid of death any longer. I worship You. I love You. thank You that now You hold the keys of death and hell”


The laver is full of water for washing and cleansing of the priest before entering the tabernacle. This is the place of sanctification and repentance.

Ask the Spirit of God to search your heart and do not leave this place until God is through with you. Our goal is to be more like Jesus…

After confessing and repenting from all known sins, you can ask God to:

A. Make me a man/woman after your heart, like King David (to love You with all my heart, soul and mind), that is, the heart beat of God, my heart beat.

B. Make me holy and separated wholly for your use (a vessel unto honour and glory).

C Make me very humble and meek, not arrogant. Deliver me from haughty spirit. Make me quick to listen, but slow to speak. Help me consider others better than myself.

D. Make me gentle and tenderhearted in my dealings with people. Let harsh speech and hardness of heart be removed, and my speech be seasoned with salt and grace.

E. Give me the grace to forgive and to love. I decide for today to forgive anyone who might offend me.

F. Help me to live according to the provisions You give and the standard that would please You, and the measure of faith You have allotted to me.

• You may add other things which the Spirit will convict you.


There is no other source of light in the Holy Place other than the candlestick. God will not tolerate any other form of light. This light represents the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the only light Who will reveal sin and righteousness to you.

God is on the throne; Jesus Christ is seated at His right hand; but the Holy Spirit is within you. He is your Lawyer, Teacher, Guide, Helper, and Comforter! His work and ministry in you is tremendous. He is with us in the church. He’s the Administrator of the love of God and Jesus Christ.

Without Him the church is an empty building.

A. Treat the Holy Spirit as a dear Person. (not only as an experience to receive, nor some kind of a force, nor dove, nor fire).

Prayer: “Dear Holy Spirit, I welcome You today. I adore You. I thank You for Your work in my life. I depend upon You. Lead me always to the grace of Jesus Christ and the love of God. Without You, I can not do anything. All my giftings are from you. I need so much your fruit to manifest in my life. I can only do the ministry through the empowerment that You pour in my life.”

B. The candlestick has seven branches/seven lights, that represent the seven Spirits of the Lord.

Prayer: “Oh Spirit of the Lord, you are the Spirit from God and the Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ. You are with us now and I recognise You. I welcome You! I worship You! Dear Spirit of the Lord, You are the Spirit of understanding. Give me the Spirit of understanding. You are the Spirit of counsel. Give me wise counsel. You are the Spirit of might. Give me power with You and make me “supernaturally strong”. You are the Spirit of the Knowledge of God. Reveal Jesus and God to me. You are the Spirit of the fear of the Lord.

Make me walk humbly with fear of the Lord.

C. Jesus commanded His disciples to pray to the Lord of the Harvest to send out workers into the Harvest. In the Book of Acts, the Holy Spirit was the one who sent out workers. He is the Lord of the Harvest!

Prayer: “Lord of the Harvest, send me today to the right assignments You want me to do. Strengthen Your call in my life. Thank You for the grace in Jesus to be able to do all of them. Prepare the harvest field for me today. Lead me, guide me, show me and let us go together and harvest the souls for God.”


Daily, the priest spread before the presence of God steaming bread as an offering. The shewbread is the symbol of the body of Christ which was broken for you. It also represents the Word of God which nourishes our spiritual life.

Everyday we must have fresh revelation of the Word of God in our lives. You cannot live upon the old bread of yesterday.

Prayer: “Heavenly Father, enable me to eat the bread of Your Word today. Grant me the understanding of the Word. Give me a deep revelation about God and the Lord Jesus Christ for my inner growth and to give to other people. Father, I love Your word. Give me the grace to tremble upon every word You speak to me. Like a deer, I am panting for Your words. I hunger and need Your words to sustain me in this life.”


Here, the priest burns incense 24 hours a day that fills the sanctuary with a sweet aroma to God. The incense represents the praises of God’s saints.

At this point, you can begin to rise up in praise and worship to God. Sing in tongues or with understanding. Pray in the Spirit. Begin to recall all the blessings of the past. Praise God for who He is and what He is in your life. You can offer to Him all manners of praise (dance, instruments, clap, etc.).

6. MOST HOLY PLACE (Ark of the Covenant)

As your heart is filled with praise and thanksgiving, you can now enter into the very presence of God as represented by the Ark of the Covenant. Every furniture in this place represents the Lord Jesus Christ.

A. Tablet of Stone Bearing the Ten Commandments – Reminder that Jesus is now our new Covenant, the surety of salvation

B. Pot of Manna – Jesus is the Bread for our lives today, that whoever eats of Him shall not hunger any longer.

C. Aaron’s Rod That Budded – Jesus is our resurrection. Through Him we have risen to a new life.

Since you are now in the very presence of God, this is the best time to make your requests, petitions, supplications, prayers made known to Him. You can now pray for:

  1. Family 

a. If married, spouse and children. Bring each one by name.

Pray for success, health, protection, spiritual maturity etc

b. Parents, brothers, sisters, relatives

2) Church – pastors, elders, full-time workers, vision of the church finances, programs and projects, missionaries, etc.

3) Community, city, towns, leaders and people

4) Nation

5) Others – specials prayer as: Israel, converts from Islam, etc.

Until next time

Stay in the Blessings

I really want to encourage you to be diligent with your Bible study time, because God has so much more for us than we can get from just going to church once or twice a week and hearing someone else talk about the Word.

When you spend time with God, your life will change in amazing ways, because God is a Redeemer.

Theres nothing thats too hard for Him, and He can make you whole, spirit, soul and body!

You’re important to God, and you’re important to us at The Refinery.

When it comes to prayer, we believe that God wants to meet your needs and reveal His promises to you.

So whatever you’re concerned about and need prayer for we want to be here for you! Or even if you just want to say Hi, you can contact us at


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