Why Have Goals?
Why Have Goals? What are your goals in life? Have you defined them yet? Goals can help in a lot of ways, goals can give definition – they can turn dreams into reality.
Continue readingWhy Have Goals? What are your goals in life? Have you defined them yet? Goals can help in a lot of ways, goals can give definition – they can turn dreams into reality.
Continue readingAre You Running Your Race? The men and the women you see are not your enemies, the devil behind them is your enemy he is the one you are fighting against.
Continue readingTake The Leap Of Faith From Genesis to Revelation, there are accounts of people whose lives did not turn out the way they thought they would. Starting with Adam and Eve and continuing through the Apostle John, men and women who thought they knew what life held for them and
Continue readingAre you forgetful? We all forget things but How could we ever forget Jesus Christ? How often do we forget what Christ did for us?
Continue readingJesus Shows Us Our Father The sad thing is that often people feel like there is no room, no time in their lives to think about God, to seek Him because they are so preoccupied with their other worries and concerns. But like we’ve been talking about today and previous
Continue readingFuture Vacancy 1 Thessalonians 4:14 (NKJV) For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with Him those who sleep in Jesus. Temporary accomodation is a billion dollar industry today, but has been around for centuries. It’s the way the New Testament Christians described
Continue readingDark Nights. Have you been through dark times? Dark nights? perhaps you're going through a dark period now? Sometime we lay in bed at night, surrounded by darkness.
Continue readingNow I Understand We have all had contact with disruptive technology, an unexpected product or service that disrupts an existing market and helps create a new category of customers.
Continue readingJesus said that we don't have to be worried about the exact time of His coming, and we shouldn't be deceived by those who make false predictions. When He comes, there will be no doubt. As lightning flashing from the east to the west, splitting the sky in a millisecond,
Continue readingYour doctor tells you, "your going to feel worse before you feel better." Those aren't encouraging words when you want to recover quickly from an illness, yet the hope of wellness spurs you on through the recovery process. You must Keep The End In Mind
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