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Hey everyone and welcome to Refinery Life Church.

Every believer needs to know what the Bible says about spiritual issues.

For the next three months, “What the Bible Says” will be the theme of the Thursday evening messages.

Today’s message is titled What the Bible Says about Prayer.

What is prayer?

To say that prayer is “communication with God” is an oversimplification.

Prayer is the sincere desire of our souls expressed to God.

Prayer is what allows us to establish intimacy with the Creator.

Prayer creates an awareness of God’s constant nearness to His people.

Prayer is also how unbelievers, recognising their sinful nature and need for salvation, yeah out by faith to receive God’s gift of eternal life.

Prayer is the expression of praise to God as well as the medium through which petitions are made on behalf of human need.

Prayer is described, explained, and illustrated throughout the Bible.the greatest and most profound demonstration of prayer is illustrated in the earthly life of Jesus, who is often recorded praying to His heavenly Father.

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Gary Hoban

Refinery Life Church Australia

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