God’s Affirmative Action Program: The Response.

Hey everyone and welcome to Refinery Life Australia. The theme for the coming few Sunday mornings is “God’s Affirmative Action Program.” Today we are talking about God’s Affirmative Action Program: The Response. When the Word that existed from the very beginning became flesh and came to earth to dwell among

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God’s Affirmative Action Program: The Reason.

Welcome to Refinery Life Australia. The theme for the coming few Sunday mornings is “God’s Affirmative Action Program.” Today we are talking about God’s Affirmative Action Program: The Reason. Governments like to talk about affirmative action programs. They can be programs that see that businesses make right some wrongs, balancing

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What Is Your Life?

Welcome to Refinery Life Australia. The theme for the coming few Sunday mornings is “God’s Affirmative Action Program.” Today we are talking about What Is Your Life? The book of James is probably the most practical writing of the New Testament. The author, a half brother of Jesus, stressed conduct

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The Holy Spirit Invites You.

Welcome to Refinery Life Australia. The focus for the coming few Sunday mornings is the Holy Spirit, how we recognise Him, and how we should respond to Him.  The theme is “Recognising and Responding to God’s Gift of the Holy Spirit.” Today we are talking about The Holy Spirit Invites

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Obeying the Command of the Holy Spirit.

Welcome to Refinery Life Australia. The focus for the coming few Sunday mornings is the Holy Spirit, how we recognise Him, and how we should respond to Him.  The theme is “Recognising and Responding to God’s Gift of the Holy Spirit.” Today we are talking about Obeying the Command of

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Using The Gifts of The Holy Spirit.

Welcome to Refinery Life Australia. The focus for the coming few Sunday mornings is the Holy Spirit, how we recognise Him, and how we should respond to Him.  The theme is “Recognising and Responding to God’s Gift of the Holy Spirit.” Today we are talking about Using The Gifts of

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The Holy Spirit, A Living Gift.

Hey everyone and welcome to Refinery Life Australia. The focus for the coming few Sunday mornings is the Holy Spirit, how we recognise Him, and how we should respond to Him. The theme is “Recognising and Responding to God’s Gift of the Holy Spirit.” Today we are talking about The

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The Gift of the Holy Spirit.

Welcome to Refinery Life Australia. The focus for the coming few Sunday mornings is the Holy Spirit, how we recognise Him, and how we should respond to Him.  The theme is “Recognising and Responding to God’s Gift of the Holy Spirit.” Today we are talking about The Gift of the

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Salvation in the Present.

Welcome to Refinery Life Australia. The focus for the coming few Sunday mornings is evangelism, sharing the gospel with a sense of urgency, seeking to persuade the uncommitted and non believers to put their faith in Jesus Christ.  The theme is “Today Is the Day of Salvation.” Today we are

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The Joy of Knowing Jesus Christ as Saviour.

Welcome to Refinery Life Australia. The focus for the coming few Sunday mornings is evangelism, sharing the gospel with a sense of urgency, seeking to persuade the uncommitted and non believers to put their faith in Jesus Christ.  The theme is “Today Is the Day of Salvation.” Today we are

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