What the Bible Says about Demons

Hey everyone and welcome to Refinery Life Church. Every believer needs to know what the Bible says about spiritual issues. For the next three months, “What the Bible Says” will be the theme of the Thursday evening messages. Today’s message is titled What the Bible Says about Demons. The subject

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Watch Your Weak Moments.

Hey everyone and welcome to Refinery Life Church. “The Past Speaks to the Present” is our theme for the next four Tuesdays. These messages are based on the lives of the patriarchs. Today’s message is titled Watch Your Weak Moments. Each of us experiences weak moments when we should not

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What the Bible Says about the Devil.

Hey everyone and welcome to Refinery Life Church. Every believer needs to know what the Bible says about spiritual issues. For the next three months, “What the Bible Says” will be the theme of the Thursday evening messages. Today’s message is titled What the Bible Says about the Devil. Satan

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Getting Guidance from God.

Hey everyone and welcome to Refinery Life Church. “The Past Speaks to the Present” is our theme for the next four Tuesdays. These messages are based on the lives of the patriarchs. Today’s message is titled Getting Guidance from God. Each and every day thousands of airplanes fill the skies

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Repentance from dead works

Welcome to Refinery Life Church. The journey into the Kingdom of God starts with repentance; it is a turning point from our world, our own little domain, to His Kingdom. Through repentance and believing the Gospel we start the journey, but an attitude of repentance is necessary so that we

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What the Bible Says about Death

Hey everyone welcome to Refinery Life Church. Every believer needs to know what the Bible says about spiritual issues. For the next three months, “What the Bible Says” will be the theme of the Thursday evening messages. Today’s message is titled What the Bible Says about Death. The fact that

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The Mystery of Pain and Suffering.

Hey everyone and welcome to Refinery Life Church. In every congregation there is at least one person with a broken heart. One function of the Pastor, the Shepherd is to help bind up the broken hearted. The theme for our Tuesday evenings this month is “Is There Any Good News

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The Hearts Cry for Revival.

Hey everyone and welcome to Refinery Life Church. Our theme for the month of February is “The New Life That Is Possible Through Christ.” Today we are talking about The Hearts Cry for Revival. Psalm 80 contains a truth that is urgently important to all of us. It is a

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What the Bible Says about Stewardship.

Good evening everyone and welcome to Refinery Life Church. Every believer needs to know what the Bible says about spiritual issues. For the next three months, “What the Bible Says” will be the theme of the Thursday evening messages. Today’s message is titled What the Bible Says about Stewardship. Perhaps

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The Management of Pain.

Hey everyone and welcome to Refinery Life Church. In every congregation there is at least one person with a broken heart. One function of the Pastor, the Shepherd is to help bind up the broken hearted. The theme for our Tuesday evenings this month is “Is There Any Good News

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