The Church
The Second Deadly Sin, Anger.
Hey everyone and welcome to Refinery Life Australia. Our theme for the next eight weeks
A Prayer for Eyes That See.
Hey everyone and welcome to Refinery Life Australia. “Amen and Amen” is the theme for
The First Deadly Sin, Pride.
Hey everyone and welcome to Refinery Life Australia. Our theme for the next eight weeks
Christian Citizenship is The Salt That Saves.
Hey everyone and welcome to Refinery Life Australia. Our theme for the next eight weeks
What do you believe?
Hey everyone I’m Gary Hoban and welcome to Refinery Life Australia. Today church we are
Fathers and The Father.
Hey everyone and welcome to Refinery Life Church. This month we are working our way
A Witness to the World.
Hey everyone and welcome to Refinery Life Church. This month we are engaging in a
The Face Of Forgiveness, The Thief.
Hey everyone and welcome to Refinery Life Church. “Beneath the Cross of Jesus” is the
You Can Have a Happy Family.
Hey everyone and welcome to Refinery Life Church. This month we are working our way
The Purpose of Prayer.
Hey everyone and welcome to Refinery Life Church. This month we are engaging in a