Prophetic Intercessors for Australia Launch
From 18:00 to 21:00Worship Warfare and Intercession in the theme for the launch gathering of Prophetic Intercessors For Australia. The world has entered a new season, a turning point of history in our generation. The Lord is preparing the Bride of Christ for the second coming of Jesus and for the reaping of the final harvest of billions of souls from every tribe, tongue and nation. Christians, who believe in the power of prayer are invited to join with Prophetic Intercessors For Australia, Christians from every town and city in this great nation of Australia! The clarion call has gone out. Come and be part of launch. Let’s unite together in one accord, and pray like never before.
Genesis Church 148 Eastlake St Carrara, Queensland Australia 4211
Worship Warfare and Intercession in the theme for the launch gathering of Prophetic Intercessors For Australia. The world has entered a new season, a turning point of history in our generation. The Lord is preparing the Bride of Christ for the second coming of Jesus and for the reaping of the final harvest of billions of souls from every tribe, tongue and nation. Christians, who believe in the power of prayer are invited to join with Prophetic Intercessors For Australia, Christians from every town and city in this great nation of Australia! The clarion call has gone out. Come and be part of launch. Let’s unite together in one accord, and pray like never before.