Hey everyone and welcome to Refinery Life Church.

Today we begin a series on stewardship titled “What Giving Does For You.”

The Bible teaches the concept of stewardship, in which we are responsible to God for all that we are and have.

To truly be responsible, we must not only graciously receive, but we must generously give.

Today we are talking about The Stewardship of Life.

We are humbled when we realise that God has made us stewards of our lives and that we are responsible to Him.

Paul reminds us that we are not our own but have been bought with a price.

Life is God given.

Life is a charge from God.

Each of our lives have wonderful potential.

Let us be good stewards and glorify God.

Let us make the most of what God has given to us.

This morning let’s look at some of the principles involved in the stewardship of life.

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Gary Hoban


Refinery Life Church Australia


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